Friday, August 20, 2010

And Then There Was Easter.......

I know I'm so far behind....but I have to share these pictures from Easter. Of course we did the usual of dying eggs with my parents and two nephews (not sure where those photos went). Easter morning, Ashlyn decided she had to put on her new swimsuit she found in her Easter Basket before she could go egg hunting outside. It is still freezing in Enterprise that time of year, but Ashlyn is strong willed (nice way of saying STUBBORN!) She threw on her yellow rain boots and took off outside! The great thing about Ashlyn in Enterprise is that she is totally carefree. She wears whatever she wants, doesn't care if her hair is combed or what she looks like. Complete opposite of when she is in St. George....won't leave the house without her hair done, earrings in, lip gloss on.... in fact, her new teacher at school that she's had only a week calls her "My little Shopper" because Ashlyn is always put together with every accessory possible. I'm glad she is so carefree at grandma's house and wish she was a little more like that at home :) Alas, here are some pictures of Easter.

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